Attentively understanding your needs
When working together, we get to know you and listen to your concerns. We connect and have a conversation to gather information about what may be compromising your current or preemptive health and wellness goals. Additionally, we gain valuable insights through a comprehensive assessment that evaluates your medical history, dietary habits, lifestyle practices, and environmental factors.
We believe in “testing not guessing” for the root cause of imbalances in the system. Based on what we uncover from your assessment, we are now prepared to carefully select the advanced lab tests that are specific to your needs. Many of these tests can be drop-shipped directly to your home and completed when it’s the most convenient for you. If there is a need for a blood draw, we can connect you with a convenient location in your area.
A thorough analysis is completed using functional lab ranges that are narrower and based on the values of a healthy population instead of the much broader ranges of the general population that are used by conventional tests.
A personalized protocol is developed based on the principles of functional health, providing the necessary tools to achieve your health and wellness objectives. Protocols include a nutritional plan that is developed by registered dieticians, daily movement goals, stress management techniques, optimized-sleep recommendations and targeted supplementation.
For Your Most Vibrant Self
If you need additional guidance and support, we highly recommend choosing one of our custom coached programs. Our programs are designed to provide support, guidance and a toolkit of science-based strategies for taking charge of your overall health.
The Momentum and Overhaul programs come with access to our Practice Better mobile app that makes it easier to stay on track between appointments. Providing on-the-go access to your personal protocol, nutrition recommendations, supplement schedule, food journaling, documents, session notes, messaging and appointment booking, plus the ability to join a video session located all in one convenient place.
Let’s “CoLab”orate Together!